LaFASA is committed to primary prevention: preventing sexual violence before it happens.
We provide our members, other allied organizations, and communities with the resources they need to effectively discuss and promote sexual violence prevention in their communities.
Why It Matters
Sexual violence is woven into our society - often referred to as rape culture. Sexual violence is connected with other oppressions, such as class inequality, racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, and other oppressions. Because it is so ingrained, when we talk about prevention, we have to address it on all levels.
LaFASA’s Work
In order to effectively prevent sexual violence, we must tackle all these levels:
Individual: Increasing knowledge and changing attitudes
Relationship: Promoting healthy romantic, peer, and family relationships
Community: Ensuring safety in our schools, neighborhoods, places of worship, and workplaces
Societal/Institutional: Passing laws and instituting policies that support survivors and hold perpetrators accountable
Societal/Institutional: Combating racism, sexism, homophobia, and other oppressions.
What You Can Do
We all play a role in ending sexual violence. Whether you are a parent, a student, community organizer, advocate, educator, policymaker, or another individual, you make a difference.
Some examples:
Get to know your school's/your child's school's Title IX administrator. All educational institutions are required to have them, not just colleges! Talk to them about how they prevent and address sexual harassment and abuse. If they need support, refer them to LaFASA's Campus Sexual Assault Project Coordinator.
If you see someone harassing another person or making jokes about someone's gender, race, sexuality, etc, step in! LaFASA has resources and ideas for bystanders who want to make their communities safer for all. LaFASA Bystander Intervention
The media impacts much of what we think about sex and sexual violence. Talk with your child or young people in your life about the images they see and lyrics they hear, and whether it promotes healthy sexuality or coercion, exploitation, and unsafe practices.
Advocate for laws that demonstrate that your city, state, and country will not tolerate sexual violence. Creating a culture that supports survivors and holds perpetrators accountable is part of prevention.
Tackle the intersections of sexual violence and other oppressions. For example:
Workers who rely on tips or who make less than a living wage are more vulnerable to sexual harassment
Women of color experience higher rates of sexual violence, and are less likely to seek assistance
People who are undocumented are often afraid to go to the authorities to report crimes committed against them