Survivor Services
LaFASA is the statewide coalition dedicated to supporting survivors and ending sexual violence. Our team works together to provide best-in-class services for survivors, their loved ones, and anyone affected by sexual violence. Here is a brief overview of the direct services for survivors. For more information about these services, please contact LaFASA's Outreach Coordinator.
Statewide Crisis Helpline
This helpline is for those who need emotional support, crisis support, help with managing trauma, and/or information about local service providers. The Helpline is free, anonymous, and confidential. We encourage you to contact the Helpline by the method you are most comfortable and capable. Survivors, loved ones of survivors, and care providers are all welcome.
Crisis Support Specialists are ready to help Helpline visitors cope. Specialists do not judge or tell visitors what they should do. LaFASA understands that survivors are the experts in their own lives.
Text: 225.351.(SAFE) 7233
Chat: Click Here
Talk: 888.995.7273 (English & Spanish; Available 24/7 )
Accredited Local Sexual Assault Centers
Contact a local accredited sexual assault center. All of our sexual assault centers must pass a regular accreditation process. Accreditation ensures you can expect to receive high-quality service from well training staff and volunteers.
Legal Services
If you are in an unserved parish without a local accredited sexual assault center or if your accredited local sexual assault center does not offer legal support, LaFASA may be able to help you navigate criminal justice systems. Contact LaFASA's Legal Advocate to learn more about our advocacy services.
Survivor Advocacy
If you are in an unserved parish without a local accredited sexual assault center, LaFASA may be able to help you seek justice and find resources to help you heal. Contact LaFASA to learn more about our advocacy services.
How Can An Advocate Help?
An advocate is specially trained to help you, or a loved one, evaluate options and pursue justice after being sexually assaulted. They offer victims information, emotional support, and assistance for additional resources. Some advocates represent or accompany survivors to court. Other advocates help survivors by providing counsel. However you wish to proceed, an advocate will support you and ensure your rights are respected and protected.
University / Campus Support
If you have experienced sexual violence on campus or at a university event, LaFASA may be able to help you seek justice and find resources to help you heal. Contact LaFASA's Campus Sexual Assault Program Coordinator to learn more about our advocacy services.
Theravive: find a counselor nationwide
Theravive is an informational resource of independent, private practicing clinics and counselors. Theravive is a separate and additional resource for survivors in need of services outside of LaFASA or the accredited crisis centers. (LaFASA and Theravive are not affiliated.)
Support lines below are available 24/7 to all Louisiana parishes, and are free and confidential.
Those in need can also click the VIALINK image for additional resources.
​​​​If you have thoughts of suicide call 988.
If you are a teen in crisis, contact the Teen Crisis Textline (available by texting 833-TXT-TEEN).
If you are a parent in need of services for your minor child, contact the Louisiana Parentline (available by dialing 833-LA-CHILD or texting 225-424-1533).
If you are in need of basic humanitarian support such as shelter, mental health, or temporary finances contact 211.
​This page provides information for survivors seeking emotional support for survivors and those seeking advocacy for sexual assault.