Legislative Advocacy
Public Policy & Legislative Advocacy
LaFASA is the statewide voice of the anti-sexual violence movement. We represent our 11 member sexual assault centers, survivors, and individuals concerned about sexual violence in their communities. Our staff works with state government, lawmakers, and other key influencers to ensure survivors' rights are protected, service providers can continue to provide essential crisis & long-term programs, and sexual violence prevention programs.
Why It Matters
Laws and legislation are the cornerstones of our society. They reflect our society's and community's core values through the protections the afford and the actions they criminalize. LaFASA educates our local, state, and federal political leaders about sexual violence and its effect on Louisiana's communities to inform and improve laws that affect survivors and help prevent sexual violence.
What You Can Do
Your voice and vote are vital to influencing and changing public policy and legislation. Take the time to learn more about issues that contribute to sexual violence and let your representatives know that ending sexual violence is important to you!