Legal Services
LaFASA is dedicated to helping ALL survivors seek justice. Our staff are trained to navigate the complexities of the justice systems and service providers to ensure survivors' rights are protected, as with legal matters.
Why It Matters
Survivors of sexual assault often are not able to retain legal services because they cannot afford the cost, they are scared or intimidated by the justice system, they are burdened by trauma of their experience, and/or they are not aware of their rights and the services available to them. There simply are not enough willing and capable attorneys available to address the need.
LaFASA’s Work
LaFASA has established a legal advocacy program to answer the call of survivors in need of legal assistance by providing the following:
Direct legal representation to individual survivors of sexual violence statewide. Assistance from our attorney is free and confidential. Connect by Email or Phone. Any survivor in Louisiana is eligible to receive legal advocacy.
Technical legal assistance to coalition member sexual assault crisis centers in Louisiana
Training, education, and technical assistance to other attorneys and allied professionals (e.g., prosecutors, judges, legislators, court staff, and law enforcement agencies) regarding the confluence of the law and sexual assault issues
Legislative advocacy: Keeping abreast of state and federal legislation relevant to sexual assault survivors; working directly with legislators to ensure survivors have a voice at the Capitol; provide legislative updates to member centers and allied professional groups
What You Can Do
Learn about issues that contribute to sexual violence and vigilantly engage your representatives. Let them know that protecting survivors is a priority for you and should be one for our state and society writ large.
Look out for your friends, family, co-workers, fellow students and/or bystanders. Learn the warning signs and be a compassionate ally. Direct them to available resources, including LaFASA and its member sexual assault centers.
Seek out volunteer opportunities and/or support LaFASA or your local sexual assault center by donating or attending fundraising functions. Be an advocate in your own right.