Justice System Support
LaFASA strives to ensure that survivors of sexual violence across Louisiana provide the highest quality care. To guarantee this, LaFASA provides training and assistance to our 11 partner sexual assault centers and other allied professionals (law enforcement, medical personnel, corrections staff, etc.) to make sure that they have the tools to treat survivors using trauma-informed best practices.
In the 4 parishes not currently served by a partner sexual assault center, LaFASA works directly with survivors to provide advocacy services, referrals, and assistance.
Why It matters
After an assault, a survivor meets with many different professionals, perhaps having to repeat their story to sexual assault centers, law enforcement, medical personnel, their university, prosecutors, and any number of other people. It is important for each of these people to understand the complex dynamics of sexual assault and how it can impact a survivor’s behaviors. By providing training and assistance to these diverse professionals, LaFASA helps to set up each system to help survivors to the best of their ability. When professionals understand trauma and tailor their work to survivors’ needs, survivors are more likely to find healing after their assault.
What you can do
LaFASA is available to provide technical assistance to any organization that may come across a survivor of sexual assault, including schools, group homes, eldercare facilities, probation and parole, private companies, counselors and more. LaFASA can provide informal advice, or assist in making formalized policies and procedures around sexual abuse. LaFASA also has trained advocates available to work directly with survivors seeking services.
Contact Jessie at LaFASA if you have any questions about how you or your organization can better serve survivors.